Reasons to Microchip Your Pets

Microchipping and tattooing have become important forms of identification for your pet in the event your pet goes missing. A lot of people think that dogs are the only ones that need them done, but contrary to belief so do cats. If your “indoor only cat” sneaks out of the house one day, a tattoo in the ear or microchip can easily help identify him/her and return them safe and sound. Almost every vet clinic and animal shelter have a microchip scanner available if a lost pet comes in needing to be scanned.

Understanding Microchipping and Tattooing

To clarify the difference between tattooing and microchipping, one is a visible identification (usually located in the ear or stifle) and the other is a small radio chip that is inserted under the skin between the shoulder blades. A microchip is not a GPS system; it cannot track the location of your pets’ whereabouts! However, the microchip number will link to your contact information to your pet in the event they go missing.

The Best Time to Identify Your Pet

The best time to have either service performed is when you are booking your puppy or kitten in to get fixed. Once a microchip has been placed and registered with the microchip company, it is important to remember to keep your information current with the company. If you move, change phone numbers, etc add them to your list to call and update. It’s hard to get a pet back to its owners without a way to contact them.

Here at Southampton Pet Hospital, we are happy to answer any questions you as a pet owner may have about identification for your pet.

Written by Southampton Pet Hospital