My Dog Ate Something He Shouldn’t Have!

Dogs do the darndest things – including gobble up things they shouldn’t. Sometimes it’s no big deal, like when your sneaky pooch hops up to steal a piece of pizza off the counter. Other times, however, ingesting the wrong thing can cause serious injury and even death to your dog. Here’s some advice from an experienced Saugeen Shores veterinarian on what you should do if your canine companion swallowed something bad.

What to Do

Don’t Panic

Dogs can sense even the slightest emotions in their human companions so it’s important that you try to remain as calm as possible when you realize your pet ate something dangerous or toxic. This will help keep your pet calm and allow you to manage the situation effectively.

Gather Information

It’s important to gather as much information about the situation as possible before you contact Dr. Jeff Berry at Southampton Pet Hospital. If possible, you’ll want to let the vet know exactly what your dog swallowed so that the appropriate course of treatment can be administered.

Create a Timeline

Having an idea of approximately when your dog ingested something he shouldn’t have will also help Dr. Jeff Berry to determine the severity of the situation.

Make the Call

Once you have all of the pertinent information, reach out to Dr.Berry right away to discuss the situation. He will ask you a number of questions and will either provide instructions on how you can treat your pet at home, or advise you to bring your dog in for professional care.

Time Is of the Essence

If it is determined that your pet needs to be seen, make sure you take heed in preparing and transporting your pet as quickly as possible. In many cases when a foreign object or toxic food item is ingested, time is of the essence. The faster you respond accordingly, the better the outcome for your pet.

Treatment Options

Dr. Berry will determine what course of treatment would be most effective based on a variety of factors, such as what was ingested as well as the overall health of your dog. Treatment may be as simple as inducing vomiting or as serious as surgery to remove whatever was swallowed.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, prevention is always the best medicine. Keep toxic substances like chemicals, medications and foods that are dangerous for pets (like chocolate and grapes) stored safely where your pet cannot access them. Make sure toys are safe for chewing and that you don’t leave small objects lying around where your dog get ahold of them. The more careful and proactive you are, the lower the chances that you’ll ever have to deal with a situation like the ones discussed here.