Alternatives to Pet Teeth Brushing

Let’s face it not all dogs or cats will let you brush their teeth no matter how many times you try it. Don’t give up hope! There are alternative products out there that can help you achieve your goal.

Make sure whichever product you use has a VOHC stamp on it which means it has been reviewed by a council of veterinarians and it does what the product says it does.

  1. Dental Diets – Hill’s t/d kibble is designed to mimic the brushing action of a toothbrush when they bite into it. This works great as a standalone option or you can pair it with brushing and dental treats. Medical Dental diet is another great diet to use as well.
  2. Water Additive – Healthy Mouth Water Additive is a herbal based water additive. Works great in replace of brushing but will change the colour of your pet’s water to green. So please do not be alarmed!
  3. Dental Treats – C.E.T veggie dent chews work as a great option and your pet will love the taste. Greenies are also another good option and can be purchased in many different pet shops and local shops.

Good Luck!

Written by Southampton Pet Hospital