Urinalysis and Fecal Exam

These simple exams can identify hidden health problems and protect your pet's well-being.

Urinalysis and fecal testing performed in the clinic provide valuable information for preventative care and detecting disease. Fecal exams look for intestinal parasites, so commonly they are recommended as part of the annual examination. A urinalysis can be used during times of illness (diabetes, urinary tract infection) or wellness. Early identification of a low urine concentration or atypical cells during a wellness exam can possibly yield and early diagnosis before your dog has visible symptoms of being ill.

Why are canine fecal examinations recommended yearly?

Canine fecal exams are recommended yearly since many intestinal parasite eggs are microscopic. Unless your pet has an overwhelming burden, it may be impossible to know they are infected by simply looking at their stool.

If my dog’s urine test reveals a urinary tract infection, what can I do?

Should your dog have a urinary tract infection; your veterinarian will often prescribe a course of antibiotics. There are a number of other factors in a urinalysis that may indicate associated concerns (e.g. diabetes, crystals) that may need to be addressed at the time of diagnosis. In conjunction with your dog’s examination, your veterinarian will provide recommendations to follow such as medications or dietary control.

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