
A vaccination plan ensures your canine companion remains protected against dangerous diseases.

Vaccines are incredibly important to prevent serious diseases, and some are required by law. A vaccine basically tricks one’s immune system into building antibodies against a disease, so when we see said disease it will be destroyed before causing illness. We tailor vaccines to individual lifestyles – you may hear about this approach as core and non-core vaccination. Core vaccines would be those vaccinations that all dogs should get due to the high risk of infection or severity of the infection. Non-core vaccines are selected based on where your dog travels and what they do. Examples of core vaccines are distemper, adenovirus, parvovirus, rabies virus. Examples of non-core vaccines would be Bordetella, Leptospirosis and Lyme vaccinations.

What types of vaccination are offered for adult dogs?

Our vaccines are Rabies and the Distemper-Parvovirus combination. We also vaccinate pets at risk for kennel cough, Leptospirosis and Lyme depending on lifestyle. The basic vaccines that are required and/or based on the area you live in are Rabies, Leptospirosis, Lyme, Bordetella and Distemper (which in our combination includes parvovirus, parainfluenza and adenovirus2). Vaccines can prevent illnesses and is the easiest way to help your pet live a healthy life. There are different vaccines for different diseases, as well as types and combinations.

Is there a schedule for how often to vaccinate a dog?

Each vaccine has its own schedule based on the manufacturer’s directions and current research. Some vaccines have proven immunity for one year, while others have proven immunity for three years, as long as proper vaccine protocols are followed. Each dog’s vaccine schedule is customized based on previous vaccinations and what they currently may be exposed to. Regardless of whether or not it’s time for your pet’s vaccine, it’s always a good idea to have an annual physical exam to ensure your pet’s health needs are being met.

Why is it important to vaccinate your dog?

Vaccinating your dog is crucial in ensuring a healthy and happy life. Vaccines help to prevent diseases that can be harmful and even fatal to your dog and possibly humans.

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