Blood Tests

Regularly monitoring your cat's health is essential, as signs of illness may not always be visible.

At Southampton Pet Hospital, our veterinary team is trained and equipped to perform in clinic bloodwork. Our equipment ensures that we can have your pet’s blood work results in as little as 20 minutes. Rapid results provide our vets with more information to properly evaluate the health of your cat and provide information to make treatment decisions.

Why are blood tests important for my cat’s health?

There are a number of reasons to analyze an animal’s blood. It may be an early indication of disease before it would be detected by a physical exam as in our wellness profiles. It can ensure organs and blood cells are able to endure anesthetic and surgery as in our pre-anesthetic blood work. It can be used to look for dangerous infections like heartworm, Lyme, or Erhlichia. We also can send out samples to external labs for more specialized testing such as Leptospirosis, progesterone levels, etc. Basically, blood tests are another tool we have to prevent or treat disease in your cat.

How long does it take to get blood test results?

Timing depends on the tests being run, whether we are running them in-house or sending away to the Idexx laboratory. In-house bloodwork results can be run in as little as 20 minutes.

How should I prepare my cat for their blood tests?

The majority of blood tests do not require any special preparations prior to collection. Some testing may need your cat to be fasted or timed based on medications – our staff will review any special preparation that may be needed at the time of scheduling.

How often should blood tests be done?

Here at Southampton Pet Hospital, we recommend routine bloodwork annually once your cat has turned 7 years old. After that, it is based on the individual patient and their health needs.

Does your clinic perform urinalysis and biopsy?

Yes, Southampton Pet Hospital does perform biopsies and urinalysis in-house. We will even perform urine cultures in-house as well. Biopsies may be performed directly or with ultrasound.

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