

Melanie Practice Manager

I have my diploma in Business Administration and have worked in the field for over 15 years. I joined the clinic in October 2014, but I enjoy learning and am a perpetual student! My first pets were Blackie (a black mix breed cat), and an Australian Cattle Dog mix named Sheba. I grew up with the two of them and lost Sheba when I was 14, and Blackie when I was 16. They were both amazing pets and I was lucky to have them.

I love the fact that I get to work with people who love animals just as much as I do. I enjoy being able to meet so many different pets and their owners on a daily basis. I couldn’t ask for a better job!

I have a small hobby farm and show chickens at the local fall fairs in the area. I am also a foster parent for Bruce Grey Child and Family Services. I have too many pets to list, but love them all!