

Amy Veterinary Technician

I am currently enrolled in a Veterinary Technician program at Penn Foster College. I am currently working as a veterinary assistant and working towards being a veterinary technician. My partner and I currently live in Port Elgin. I decided to join the veterinary field because I have always had a strong passion and love for animals.

I decided to go into the veterinary field because, obvious reason, I love animals! I also enjoy the medical field in general and has always been an interest and passion of mine. I joined the Southampton Pet Hospital first as a co-op student when I was 17 years of age. I then became part-time kennel staff, to full-time animal care attendant, to full-time veterinary assistant and am still working my way up the ladder!

My passion in the veterinary medical field is in critical care, emergencies, and surgeries. I love dealing with the animals of different species and sizes as well as the medical aspect of the job. My favourite thing about the clinic is even though education is extremely important, the amount of experience that everyone here has, as well as their natural talent and bond with the animals speaks volumes.

According to some clients who don’t recall my name, I am known as, “The little blonde one with the squeaky voice,” so say the receptionists. When I was six-years-old, my first family pet was a Beagle/Jack Russel Terrier crossbreed named Mickey. Right now, I have two lovable mutts at home!