Blog: General Health

Cat and dog itching themselves


I bet if I did a survey that asked people what the worst part of summer is; the majority of us would agree that it’s the plethora of biting flies, mosquitoes, spiders and other insects.

Transylvanian hound standing on grass

Interview with My Veterinarian

Echinococcus multilocularis is prominent in the news right now; having been discussed on CBC recently.

Hand holding a tick on fur

Bug Bites: Lyme Disease Explained

Being fairly new to the front end (reception) at the Southampton Pet Hospital means that I don’t have the same knowledge base that the RVT’s and veterinarians have.

Dog with hot spot on its tail

What to Do When Your Dog Has a Hot Spot?

What is a hot spot? Hot spots are one of the most frustrating skin conditions your dog can get.